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Core Stability: Master the Plank Exercise!

- Saturday, February 03, 2024

Strengthen your core and stabilize your back with this quick plank exercise

Okay so today we're going to go through exercises we're going to go through a plank exercise and it's a really great way to starting to stabilize your um core and stabilizing your back. Keep in mind that when your core is strong, it protects your back. It protects your upper body so it's vital to have a strong core. So we're going to start going through how to do a plank. So let's have LIF it up so this is a plank, if you notice he's holding the hips up off the table and that's going to help strengthen the core relax. Another way of doing a plank is to bend your knees. When you bend your knees it changes the lever and the length of it. So there's less stress on your core. It's an easy way to start off. So what you do is you bend your knees and then we're going to have him lift his hips up off the table and so now he's using his core to help stabilize and to lift hold himself up and what I would recommend doing is trying to do this as long as possible ideally. You' like to be able to do this for up to a minute or two minutes, but if you can start off at 5 Seconds 10 seconds 30 seconds you start where you're comfortable and you gradually build up from there I would recommend doing three sets minimum to start and try to hold it for as long as possible.

Procedure 1:

Step 1

Core Stability: Master the Plank Exercise!  Procedure 1 Step 1

Step 2

Core Stability: Master the Plank Exercise!  Procedure 1 Step 2

Procedure 2:

Step 1

Core Stability: Master the Plank Exercise!  Procedure 2 Step 1

Step 2

Core Stability: Master the Plank Exercise!  Procedure 2 Step 2

Dr Michael Watins, DC
330 West 58th Street, Suite 413 New York, NY 10019
Call us today: (212) 765-6470