What to Expect on Your First Chiropractic Adjustment!
On your initial visit to the office, the first thing we do is we go through a consultation. We get all the information in terms of your current complaints, how it's affecting your quality of life, whether it's exercise, whether it's sleep, whether it's work and ergonomics. Once we get a full history, then we do an exam. When we do the exam, you want to go through a series of orthopedic, neurological, chiropractic evaluation. So once we've gone through a full examination and consultation, we've diagnosed your problem, we start a normal treatment with therapy to relax the muscles, reduce spasm, reduce pain, and it's preparatory so that we can then do the adjustment. The chiropractic adjustment is designed to improve the function of the spine nerves, improve range of motion, improve the way your body works so that you can start to get pain relief and get it real quick and also improve function within the body. In addition to the chiropractic adjustment, we also do stretching and we also go through a series of exercises that are designed to help work on your flexibility, to strengthen the spine, to stabilize the spine so that you can do well on the long term basis, not just short term.